The Performer’s Resume Playbook Series:The Audiobook Narrator Resume

Looking to create a captivating resume as an audiobook narrator? You’ve come to the right place.

Audiobook narrators typically don’t need a resume because we can easily look up your credits on any audiobook listening app. However, creating an Electronic Press Kit (EPK) can be a powerful tool for showcasing your talents and connecting with authors and publishers. An EPK offers a dynamic alternative [that can be provided both digitally and in hardcopy!] that allows you to present your skills and experiences in a visually appealing and organized manner.

When designing your EPK, remember that presentation is key. There are no strict rules to follow, but it's essential to ensure that your EPK visually represents your unique style and personality while being easy to navigate and digest for potential collaborators.

Here are some elements to consider including in your audiobook narrator EPK:

  • Special Skills and Training: Highlight any unique skills or training that sets you apart as a narrator. Whether it's proficiency in accents, dialects, or voice modulation techniques, showcase what makes your narration stand out.

  • Preferred Genres: Share your passion for specific genres you love to narrate. Whether it's mystery, romance, fantasy, or nonfiction, let authors and publishers know where your strengths lie.

  • Recorded Books: Showcase a selection of books you've narrated, providing potential clients with a glimpse of your versatility and experience as a narrator.

  • Publishing Partnerships: Mention any collaborations you've had with publishers, demonstrating your credibility and professional relationships within the industry.

  • Studio Specifications: Provide details about your recording setup and studio specifications, reassuring authors and publishers of the quality of your recordings.

  • Reviews and Testimonials: Feature positive reviews and testimonials from authors, publishers, or listeners who have praised your narration skills and professionalism.

  • Narrator Statement: Share your personal reasons and motivations for pursuing a career in audiobook narration. What drives your passion for storytelling through voice?

  • Bio: Offer a brief yet engaging biography that provides insight into your background, experience, and journey as an audiobook narrator.

Here's a suggested layout for your 3-page audiobook narrator EPK, but of course you can decide on the order and what you think is important to include and where:

Page 1: Your contact information, narrator statement, published books, key skills, studio specs

Page 2: Your longer bio

Page 3: Publishers you work with and testimonials

To sum up, while audiobook narrators may not typically require a traditional resume, crafting an Electronic Press Kit (EPK) can be a game-changer for showcasing your talents and forging connections in the industry. At Actor One-Sheets, we understand the importance of making a lasting impression, which is why we offer customizable EPK templates or custom, done-for-you services to help you stand out. Whether you're highlighting your special skills, sharing your passion for specific genres, or showcasing your collaborations with publishers, our services ensure your EPK is visually appealing, organized, and tailored to your unique style. Let us help you make your mark in the dynamic world of audiobook narration!


One-Sheet vs EPK: What the Heck are They?


The Performer’s Resume Playbook Series:The Voice-Over Performer Resume