Q: I love your actor website and this site - did you build it yourself and can you build mine?

A: Thanks so much! Yes I did build it, but no I can’t build yours. I’m not a webdesigner so I don’t do any fancy coding. I also only know how to build on Squarespace. However, it was easy to learn because I took the Website Makeover Masterclass through Jonathan Tilley’s Inner Circle - I highly recommend taking a look since membership is just $15/month

Q: Do you only design marketing materials for actors?

A: Although the majority of my clients are actors, I’m happy to work with you on whatever design project you have. Just send me an email and we can discuss it.

Q: Do you do _____________?

A: Most likely yes. Send me an email detailing the project and I’ll let you know if that’s something I can do.