The Performer’s Resume Playbook Series: The Commercial List

Not sure what to do with all your commercial bookings on your resume? Check out this mini-post to learn how to format your information!

Most commercial clients won’t ask for a list of your previous commercial jobs. For those that do, it’s because they are looking to book you for an exclusive deal and to make sure that you haven’t done any work for competing companies.

In this case, they will ask and you can just hand them a document with your name, contact, and just a list of all the companies you’ve worked with. 

If you’ve booked a lot of work in different industries like food, tech, pharmaceutical, and retail, you can section them off to have a more organized look.

The only important thing here is that your list is organized and easy to read. Personally, I like to keep consistency in all my marketing, so I still like to design it to have the same on-brand look and feel by using my brand colors and fonts. If you’re looking for support in developing a consistent brand experience across your marketing materials, book a [free] 15 minute consultation with me and let’s see what we can do together 🤩 


The Performer’s Resume Playbook Series:The Voice-Over Performer Resume


The Performer’s Resume Playbook Series:The Child/Teen Performer Resume