
Whether you are sending a digital or physical postcard, they are a great way to send quick notes to touch base with everyone you work with, have worked with, and want to get work from. Anything can be an announcement. Got new headshots? Great! Send a postcard. Got an audition or meeting? Thank them with a postcard. Just moved to a big market? Let them know - with a postcard.

 Physical and Digital Postcard Templates


Checkout my shop for fully customizable postcard Canva templates. Canva is a free-to-use and user-friendly online design platform. With easy drag-and-drop methods, you can change images, colors, and text to make your mailing fully branded to you.

Custom Design


What’s included:

30 min design consultation to go over content over Zoom
3 rounds of edits or the option of 1 live edit over zoom.
You’ll receive 1 Print Quality PDF, 1 JPG, and 1 PNG.

Not sure if this service is right for you or do you have questions for me? Click below to schedule a free 15min consultation and together we’ll come up with a solution that is right for you and your marketing needs.