Actor Resume Canva Template
For the 18+ actor who needs a resume. Keep the categories you need, discard the rest. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re experienced, this is the resume you need. If you are going to use this for theater, be sure to list that first. If you’re just starting out and only have school plays, list those or if you only have training, list that and any relevant skills or experience you have.
This is a Canva Template and some basic familiarity with the program is needed.
Purchase of this product is final and no refunds will be issued.
For the 18+ actor who needs a resume. Keep the categories you need, discard the rest. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re experienced, this is the resume you need. If you are going to use this for theater, be sure to list that first. If you’re just starting out and only have school plays, list those or if you only have training, list that and any relevant skills or experience you have.
This is a Canva Template and some basic familiarity with the program is needed.
Purchase of this product is final and no refunds will be issued.
For the 18+ actor who needs a resume. Keep the categories you need, discard the rest. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re experienced, this is the resume you need. If you are going to use this for theater, be sure to list that first. If you’re just starting out and only have school plays, list those or if you only have training, list that and any relevant skills or experience you have.
This is a Canva Template and some basic familiarity with the program is needed.
Purchase of this product is final and no refunds will be issued.